SOBA Council
The SOBA Council serves as a dynamic research group focused on curating content for SOBA 2024 events that is tailored to bolster the success of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. Engaging in a multifaceted exchange, the panel will delve into diverse topics spanning from innovative marketing strategies to streamlined operational approaches, all aimed at enhancing SME growth and sustainability.
With an emphasis on practical insights and actionable advice, the outcome of the roundtable discussion is to meet the overarching goal of equipping SMEs with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.
SOBA Ambassadors

Teh Chai Peng
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Complete Human Network Sdn. Bhd.

Datuk Anna Teo
Founder & Group CEO
Hernan Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

Aniljit Singh
Managing Director
Juara Partners Sdn. Bhd.

Viji Ramasamy Pillai
Co-founder & Director
Maxvue Vision Sdn. Bhd.

Allen Lee
Chief Executive Officer
PEOPLElogy Development Sdn. Bhd.

Datuk Seri Dr Michael Tio
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director
PKT Logistics Group Sdn. Bhd.

Patrick Sim
Managing Director
Secret Recipe Cakes & Cafe Sdn. Bhd.
SOBA Elite Judges

YM Raja Badrulnizam Raja Kamalzaman
Strategic Planning Division Senior Director

Datin Winnie Loo
Branding Association of Malaysia (BAM)

Dato’ Vincent Choo
Vice President
Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA)

Dato' Dr. Teh Tai Yong
Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association (PUMM)
SOBA Sponsors

Sean Tan
Chief Business Officer
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad

Datuk Seri Dr Michael Tio
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director
PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd

Kelvin Chin Wen Jye
Head, SME Business Development
RHB Bank Berhad